Cantar lontano



Format: high resolution 44.1 kHz, a bit depth of 16 bits

In the course of a long career which would take him far and produce many memorable works (from the Sacri Concentus of 1612 to the Secondo Libro de Motetti a Voce sola, 1635), we cannot fail to recognise in Ignazio Donati one of the most innovative and mature composers of Italian church music in the early years of the seventeenth century. He exhibits an approach which is both experimental and popularising, displaying an attentive eye for the practical details of performance, a heightened awareness of the physical space as a primary element in the process of musicmaking and a desire to explore a wide range of tonal effects, while always remaining affectionately faithful to the text. However difficult it may be to reproduce the effect of voices singing in the distance, this recording manages to recreate the illusion of one of the most fascinating vocal practices that has ever existed.Very recently, in October 2020, the Cini Foundation in Venice held a masterclass open to young singers strictly devoted to the Cantar Lontano praxis. You can watch the recording of the final concert held in the church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice at the following link.




Francesco Antonio Bonporti

12 concerti per organo

Si’ dolce è il tormento