Ad vesperas



Format: high resolution 44.1 kHz, a bit depth of 16 bits

The year is 1565, and Antonio Gardano’s very busy Venetian print shop is preparing to ship a crate of books hot off the press. The boat will sail at dawn for Naples with, as consignee, Prince Don Pereffano Ribera, Duke of Alcala and Marquis of Tariffa, Most valorous Viceroy of the Kingdom of Naples. This crate contains the music that Diego Ortiz of Toledo, Master of the Royal Chapel in this same Kingdom of Naples, composed with passion. In a very scholarly introduction, the Spanish musician calls on mathematics and philosophy to demonstrate that music is foremost amongst the arts. He quotes Plato, Aristotle and the Holy Scripture. He also gives precious information for our research: bringing back to life the splendour of a ceremony of solemn Vespers at the Neapolitan court in the second half of the 16th century. The Council of Trent had ended a few years earlier, and during the 22nd session of 1562, Pope Pius IV ordered that, in singing and in organ music, anything that might have a lascivious or impure tone be rigorously avoided. It was at that moment that the pieces in Musices liber primus saw the day, intended for solemn performances such as Vespers or Compline. As for Masses, Ortiz would devote a Musices liber secundus that, however, was never published. Creating this project, produced at the beginning for Alpha records and Franco Maria Ricci editions, Marco Mencoboni was asked to write a story; a tale to help people understand the music. His tale (story was published by FMR and then well-known international actors like Toni Servillo, Olivia Williams, Luis Miguel Cintra agreed to record a downloadable version. The download of this cd will include the mp3 version of the complete set of stories.




Vola de libano

Missa ducalis

Organo in concerto